
Hope Center

We see each person as a whole child of God with individual needs and experiences.

Hope Center

We see each person as a whole child of God with individual needs and experiences.

Hope Center

We see each person as a whole child of God with individual needs and experiences.

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Agency Partners

Hope Center - Who We Are

The Hope Center began in 2011 as a mission of Community Presbyterian Church in Celebration and has since grown into an independent agency committed to providing all those in need of assistance in our community.

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2024 Impact


Heartbeats diverted Away from Homelessness

650 +

walk-ins or appointments at Hope commons


Heartbeats Housed

What We Do

We walk alongside our neighbors experiencing poverty to empower them with solutions to address the barriers preventing them from achieving
self-determined success.

Community Support

This program works to prevent households from experiencing homelessness by offering light-touch assistance, including family reunification, security deposit assistance and our Hotel2Home Program.

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Rapid Rehousing
Case Management

Rapid Rehousing is designed to move families out of homelessness and into permanent housing. If you qualify for an RRH program, we provide the ongoing case management support for both families and individuals.

connect wellness

Connect Wellness is a support program intended for those living in hotels/motels to connect and create a community around their shared experiences.

Contact Us

if you would like to be contacted by a Community Support Specialist please complete the following form:

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We couldn’t serve thousands of heartbeats each week without the helpful hands of volunteers. You can join us to help stock our shelves, make bags of healthy food items or distribute food to families in need.

Volunteer Now